International Journal of Social Sciences & Economic Environment (IJSSEE) (Online ISSN : 2456-7485) aspires to select research paper of very high quality in terms of originality, accuracy, validity, reliability, credibility, authority, readability, comprehensibility and relevance to the Journal’s scope and mission which are the outcome of the most recent and original research contributing to the advancement in the existing literature and are very significant in managerial implications. All the papers are selected through highest quality peer review. To achieve this, the entire peer review and publication process must be thorough, objective, and fair. Almost every aspect of this process involves important ethical principles and decisions, which are rarely explicitly stated and even less often shared with the readership. Journal's reputations depend on the trust of readers, authors, researchers, reviewers, editors and research subjects. This trust is enhanced by describing as explicitly as possible the journal's publication policies to ensure the ethical treatment of all participants in the publication process.
The manuscript should only be submitted using the online system. The manuscript should be submitted online with a cover letter and a completed Copyright Transfer Form.
Submissions are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another publication. Simultaneous submission to other publications will result in immediate rejection of the paper. Papers are not within the journal scope will be rejected immediately after the pre review process. All manuscripts will be subject to a well-established, fair, unbiased double blind peer review and refereeing procedure, and are considered on the basis of their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Journals readership.
The Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Editorial Board Members examine the title, authors' names, affiliations, keywords, the main body of text, references, tables, and figures, plagiarism, among other things, for acceptability. The incomplete manuscript will not be processed for publication. Manuscripts that are appropriate in every way and prepared in accordance with the author standards will be forwarded to expert reviewers.
Peer Review
- Peer review is fundamental to the scientific publication process and the dissemination of knowledge and information.
- Peer reviewers are experts in the specific topic addressed in the articles they review, and they are selected for their objectivity and scientific knowledge.
- All reviewers are informed of the publication’s expectations.
- Reviews are expected to be professional, honest, courteous, prompt, and constructive.
- The editors may routinely assess all reviews for quality; they may also edit reviews before sending them to authors.
- The submitted manuscript is a privileged communication; reviewers treat it as confidential. It is not retained or copied.
- Also, reviewers do not share the manuscript with any colleagues without the explicit permission of the editor.
The double-blind peer-review process is used to ensure the highest quality and fair policy of evaluation and publication process to maintain the highest ethical standards and avoid plagiarism. The reviewing structure will always ensure the anonymity of the referees & it will be reviewed by minimum 2 experts from the respected field. Submitted research articles are assessed and reviewed by specialist Reviewers (one from India and one from abroad) as invited for specific discipline using the double-blind peer review process to ensure the highest quality and fair policy of evaluation and publication process to maintain the highest ethical standards and avoid plagiarism.
The authors' identities are kept hidden from the reviewers, and the double-blind peer review procedure is normally finished within two to three weeks after submission. All communications, including explanations, corrections, and modifications, are made with the manuscript's corresponding author(s). The International Journal of Social Sciences & Economic Environment (Online ISSN: 2456-7485) has high criteria for research and review suitable and high-quality papers. The paper is approved based on the reviewers' recommendations and the editors' opinions. The ultimate decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief. As part of its objective, the Acadres Consulting adopts a neutral position on issues treated within this journal.
The reviewing structure will always ensure the anonymity of the referees. The article will be reviewed by 2 experts reviewers from the respected field (one from India and another from Abroad) as recommended by the Executive Board and Editorial Board members.
The review output will be one of the following decisions:
1. Accept
2. Accept with minor changes
3. Weak Accept with major changes
4. Reject
The Editor reserves the right to reject a paper if it does not meet the aims and scope of the journal. Each manuscript will be primarily examined by the editor, and then forwarded to two referees for blind review. The research paper shall be published subject to recommendation of referees. The review process may take up to Maximum 10 weeks in extra ordinary circumstances.
The author shall be informed about the selection/rejection of the article/paper through journal website or by e-mail. However, the journal shall publish the article/papers of the authors completing the formalities in due time mentioned in the selection letter. The rejected papers shall not be returned.
In case of acceptance of the article and completion of publication formalities by the author, journal reserves the right of making amendments in the final draft of the research paper to suit the journal's requirement.
Flow Chart: Peer Review Process